What is the Divine Feminine?

The Divine Feminine is spontaneous and creative and hard to put into a linear sequence of words.   She is about awakening to your own inner guidance and intuition.  So let me show you a mind map – which is very much a divine feminine tool.  Take a deep breath and relax and softly gaze at the mind map below and feel in to.  Ask yourself the question – what is the Divine Feminine and let the answer flow to you.   OF course feel free to make your own.  Right the words “Divine Feminine” in the middle of a piece of paper and start writing down any words that come to your mind.

OK if that little exercise didn’t totally peeved you off and you’re still here – wonderful.

For me the Divine Feminine is about reconnecting with the sacredness of all life.  It’s about our inner guidance and working with the sacred elements to create the life we desire in a way that honours the whole.

We need to come back into harmony with Mother Earth and nature.  We are part of nature.  If we destroy the Earth we destroy ourselves.

It is also about standing in our power as women and saying “ENOUGH”.  I don’t want to go on here about how much trouble we are in as a species and how much trouble the earth is in because of our actions.  We know all that already.  What we need to do is really start to walk our talk and lead by example.

What the world needs right now is your passion and your joy.  The world needs you to step in to your biggest brightest life and to make a difference to those around you.  Be bold and beautiful and brave.  Awaken to who you really want to be and what you really want to do.  In a world full of struggle and uncertainty we need brave feminine leaders just like you to step up in the sheer joy of your passions and dreams.  To show the world what a beautiful place this could be by aligning with your soul and following your destiny.

What we do at the Divine Feminine Center?

We work with healing the past and clearing out the blockages that are holding you back.  We connect in with the sacred elements of creation Earth, Water Fire, Air and Spirit and work with them to help you in your manifestations.


Earth is the physical realm.  If you have many dreams and ideas but they never seem to manifest you problem need help from Earth to help your vision to actually manifest into the physical.


Water is our feeling realm.  It is how we are connecting with others, how we feel about ourselves and if we feel we deserve what we desire.


Air is our mental realm.  Air helps us to direct our thoughts and keep us focused on what we want.  Air is also our connection to the invisible realm and can help us to listen to our inner guidance as well as connect with our spiritual guides and angels.


Fire is the Action Realm.  If you are sitting around daydreaming all day about how wonderful life could be but you aren’t actually doing anything about it then you need some help from Fire.  Fire also gives us the courage and energy to be seen and to step out of little lives into our bold and bright futures


Spirit is the glue that holds everything together.  Your dreams can be driven by ego or by Spirit.  If they are ego driven you will never find true happiness and satisfaction.  You will also be striving and never arriving.  The ego always needs more.  A spirit driven goal will lead you to greater and greater happiness as you will be aligned with your true purpose.

How do we do this?

We can do this in many ways, with services and products.

Sacred Feng Shui – We can create sacred space and align your home so it is a beacon to attract the life you want.

Intuitive Healing – If you aren’t moving forward on the path you know you should be taking there is problem stuck energy from your past holding you back.  This can be stuck in your energy bodies or could even be manifest in your physical body as pain, stiffness or disease.  Intuitive healing can identify these trouble spots and help clear them out of your life so you can move forward more easily.

Oracle Card Readings – get guidance from the elements with a reading from the elemental forces of creation oracle cards.

Workshops – We have workshops that can help activate your divine feminine and workshops that will teach you how to work with the sacred elements of creation so you can learn to manifest the life you want.


Check out our shop for sacred Jewellery, Essential Oils and other healing and uplifting tools.